PB2A Part 3-5

Research Questions:

Do women make the same salary as men do, on average, in the business field?

Is there any proof and or factual research that backs up this claim?

Why is the business field, specifically, so important to have an equal platform among both sexes?

Is there a different level of production that comes from female or male run businesses?

Does the sex of the CEO have any financial effect on that business?


Wage gap

Gender studies

Sex of CEO


Salary difference

Business women

Business production

Financial effect

Male vs. Female wage

Wage gap theory

Citations: MLA Format

Bartolucci, Cristian. "Gender Wage Gaps Reconsidered: A Structural Approach using Matched Employer-Employee Data." Journal of Human Resources, vol. 48, no. 4, 2013, pp. 998-1034.

Balcar, Jiří, and Veronika Hedija. "Influence of Female Managers on Gender Wage Gap and Returns to Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills." Gender, Work & Organization, 2018.

Cohen, Philip N., and Matt L. Huffman. "Working for the Woman? Female Managers and the Gender Wage Gap." American Sociological Review, vol. 72, no. 5, 2007, pp. 681-704.

Abraham, Mabel. "Pay Formalization Revisited: Considering the Effects of Manager Gender and Discretion on Closing the Gender Wage Gap." Academy of Management Journal, vol. 60, no. 1, 2017, pp. 29-54.

Palomino, Frédéric, and Eloïc-Anil Peyrache. "Psychological Bias and Gender Wage Gap." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 76, no. 3, 2010, pp. 563-573.


  1. ouuu this is a current issue! the gender/ pay gap is something thats always controversial. i love that fact that you're tackling this. "Is there a different level of production that comes from female or male run businesses. & Does the sex of the CEO have any financial effect on that business?" are two questions that i think will really get the conversation started! i would so look into this once an actual acura is formed. also way to narrow down your search terms, but maybe focus on one region of the world? like just the US or china and compare those two.

  2. I love that you mentioned the pay gap, I have actually did a entire research project on the gender pay gap. I think that can be very interesting to research. You choose some great questions. I like the good correlation between that and you keywords. It should be very easy to pick some journals.


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